+256-414-269119, +256-772916091
Project: Renovation of The Office Of The Prime Ministry Offices -Gulu

Project: Renovation of The Office Of The Prime Ministry Offices -Gulu

Project: Renovation The Office Of The Prime Ministry Offices -Gulu Renovation
Client: Office of the Prime Ministry Funder: Uganda Government
Consultants: Ministry Of Works   ...

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Mr.Kalanzi Project

Mr.Kalanzi Project

Project: Mr. Kalanzi
Client: Mr Kalanzi
Consultants: A.E & P integrated design Ltd
Constructor: Kraft Construction Co Ltd
Duration: long term p ...

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George House Project

George House Project

Project : Head Office
Client        : George William Kazibwe
Funder : George William Kazibwe

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Kasekendes' House Project

Kasekendes' House Project

Project:Proposed Residential apartments Building    on Plot No: 599,  Block No 244, Kyadondo Count, Kampala
Funder:  Owner
< ...

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